Moving away from the firehouse but landed in a never ending oyster field.
In my ongoing effort to convince myself that I am not a digital immigrant but a digital native, and that I was just born too soon, I decided to explore every single click option on our blog page . I read all of your posts and commented on many, but not all. I followed, subscribed, and joined every social media on our blog page and linked pages, and found many jewels of resources for information. I clicked on so many links to so many incredibly informative, insightful, and relevant nuggets of information. Thank you! When finished, I felt a lot like I usually do when I begin a writing project. (WARNING: The following content may be inappropriate for certain audiences.) I spend several weeks/months digesting a lot of information, maybe too much, and then end up throwing it up on a Word doc. I step away from the vomit for a couple of days; play catch up in other areas. Upon my return, with a fresh perspective, possibly the learner's perspective, I begin to wade thru the muck, ...