Unlike a lot of you, I have experienced living in a world without the internet, the PC era, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 2.5. and Web 3.0; looking forward to 4.0. Social networking occurred in person, a social networking site was the employee lounge, cafeteria, or the bar/restaurant around the corner, for some, the golf course. Your community was your neighborhood, your classmates, your workmates, your family. Opening a business in 1985, I knew that technology would save me time and money, provide better customer service, and allow me to expand. I embraced email to communicate with my clients, Lotus for accounting, WordPerfect for newsletters. If I remember correctly, I had a website within a couple of years. It had drop down menus that you could get information about the business, but you had to pick up a phone to have a conversation; Yelp did not exist. Networking before the internet involved phone calls, snail mail, and in person conversations. You had 3 choices. There are so many resource...
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