Great start, bump in the road, boulder in the road, pebble in the rearview mirror

I was (still am) so excited to be back in the learning environment, then a week in I cracked a tooth in half, to the root, eating almonds (one of my favorite nuts), and it felt like someone had shot me in the face (or I believe that's what it feels like) or that I got kicked by a horse in the cheek (long story there). I don't do meds, but immediately found myself on antibiotics and opioids until they could schedule me in for an extraction (with complications). The antibiotics immediately changed how I felt, but the opioids did the real number on my psychic. Now I was a Dead Head back in the days, but have been clean for over 40 years, downright borderline vegan; I'm so careful what I put in my body. 

How many of you can identify with this scenario? (Well, maybe not the Dead Head part . . .)

 Amid all this, my youngest and his partner visited to "help out" and I had to immediately return to working in the office, in person, full time beginning this past Monday. If you haven't done this yet, be prepared for almost as much stress as you did March 2020 when you did the reverse (if this was stressful for you). I haven't been out with my cycling group in weeks, I'm sick of eating on one side of my mouth, but I am finally on the backside of all this. Life is closer to my normal and the rhythm I need to navigate the summer.

 To make a long story short, I totally forgot to post blogs the past 2 weeks - one was an intentional pass, but last week was a total space out. I actually read some blogs, saw a lot of them coming in on Saturday and Sunday, and wondered if it was a requirement or an option. I choose the option option and never posted. 

The real point of this post (if you're still reading) is that I experienced a dreaded sense of resistance when it came time to post "my life" on Instagram. I created an account specifically for this class and watched all your lovely photos come in with all the wonderful things you were doing, places you were going, etc. There it was, the FOMO. You know what I'm talking about - I had to look it up. I wondered what I was missing by not posting my daily sunrise walks at Maclay Gardens or my weekly rides at the SMT or MGW, or the glorious salads I've been eating. What am I missing? Why am I so resistive? (My son has his own theory . . .)

What do you think? Have you ever felt this way?

I love Instagram and thrive on all beautiful pictures of vacations, food, babies - oh, the babies that folks are having!!! Recently, a friend shared her pregnancy and post pregnancy experience, for months on end. It not pretty, but I hung on every post, commented, and supported her as she struggled - and she struggled! There were some lovely posts of her daughter occasionally, but what she posted was her reality. I found it refreshing, raw, and just recently (privately) told her that I had a lot of respect for her honesty. It was refreshing and I looked forward to seeing what she would post next.

I'm thinking of posting an Instagram diary over the next week of my current reality. I think my big resistance is - Would anyone really be interested?

What motivates you to put yourself out there?

PS: And what are you doing to take care of your teeth?



  1. Hi! I would be very interested! One of the key attractions on Instagram is that you get to live vicariously through the lives of others - the good food they eat, the beautiful places they visit or the fun lifestyles they lead! Looking forward to what you have to share!

  2. I have the same trouble thinking is anyone really intersted. My motivation is my students, career and kids. One thing I have noticed is that I have to post quickly. I can't try to edit a lot or I will chicken out. With this I have made significant typos, which I am embarrased about, but at least it keeps me moving forward. It is starting to get better. I hope will for you as well.

    1. I have done the same! Came very close, but chickened out. I'll try your strategy - thanks!

  3. Oh my goodness, what a week+ you've had! Thank you so much for publishing such an honest post. So often, we [the collective "we," because we've all done it at some point] publish our best selves for the very purpose of inducing FOMO in others. But the reality is often not so polished. I know they say actions speak louder than words, but I almost feel like it's the opposite in the virtual world; I can show you how "great" my life is, or I can tell you what's REALLY going on. I am so honored to be present to witness your social media journey, and I encourage you to present whatever reality makes the most sense to you to share (whether that's brutally honest, or polished with a rosy tint)


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