The abyss that is the shared drive:

Recently tasked with exploring options for instructional design models, outside of Dick and Carey and ADDIE, this eBook provided a different perspective to the models we studied in EME 5601 this Summer. As I was reading, I wanted to annotate, tag, and save the eBook in Diigo so that my team could have access, annotate, and tag. But alas, the restrictions to these types of Web 2.0 based tools is severely limited at FDLE. Instead, I highlighted sections, inserted comments, sent the pdf in an email to my team, and filed it in a folder on our shared drive. It is impossible to find anything in the shared drive.

As you take addition ID classes, you too might want to snag this eBook for future use.

In addition, I signed up for eLearning Industry’s newsletter and Learning Solutions newsletter, and followed them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn - things I would have never done 3 months ago.



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