NPR - your source for great tunes?

 Every once in a while, I hear some amazing pipes on NPR, like today:

Years ago, I found Modest Mouse and shared them with my youngest. Was introduced to Paloma Faith driving home to let the girls out at lunch and wrote her name on my hand so I wouldn't forget to get some of her songs in my library.

I plan to listen to a lot of music over the break as I will have sooooo muuuuucccchhhh freeeee time! But I want to do a shout out to @True Currency for reminding me of how much joy it can bring.

This has been quite the whirlwind semester, my first semester back in school after several years. I have super enjoyed blogging with all of you, honored that I had a glimpse into your lives. If this is your last semester, CONGRATULATIONS! AND BEST OF LUCK! If you are just beginning, like me, have a restful and restorative break and maybe we will run into each other in a future semester.

The countdown continues - one semester down, five to go!


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