How much time should you spend outside?


Wait, only 20 minutes a day three times a week?? I'm sorry, not sorry, but I need more Shinrin-Yoku than that! Here's where my 1.5 hour sunrise ride begins about 3 times a week.

How much time do you spend outside every day?

A minimum of 5 hours a month in the wild - sounds like a good time for digital detox. How about here?

How feasible is it for you to get 5 hours a month in the wild while taking classes, working, family life, etc.?

I am really liking this 3 days a year where you are off the grid!

What are your plans to get off the grid between semesters?

I'm thinking of joining these folks in NoCal, fires permitting . . .


  1. Hello I have a question: did you think about these questions or did you get it from an article? Just curious :)
    I will say I like the outside as long as there is not too many people (lol) or at least needs to be with people that I like. I run in the mornings around 6am and I enjoy that me time before starting my work day and on the weekends I do get a little bit more outside when I do my long runs.
    I believe per month I am able to get 5 hours easily, but I do wish I had nicer areas around me where I could sit and relax.
    Between semesters I am taking a week vacation on Miami for my birthday :)

  2. I am curious how one can possibly get 5 hours a month in the wild? With work and school, I'm certainly not getting that. You live in Miami; where would you go to get this? Where you wouldn't hear the sound of the city? Here ( are some national parks you could go to. but I bet you aren't away from the sounds of civilization.
    Three days off the grid is also difficult. Most of my time off is spent with family. I'm fortunate that most of them enjoy being off the grid, but it's like herding cats to sync our schedules.


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