We certainly were not doing this last year!

 I’m new on Refind, but already find it fascinating! The most current Refind is 

Summer 2021 Beach Reads for Teachers

amenic181 / iStock

I was especially drawn to Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education. I also found out about Pineapple Charts as a tool for teachers to learn from each other and the article on Recognizing When It’s Time for a Change really resonated with me as I have recently resigned from my training position with the Guardian ad litem Program.

I read the article How to Guide Students to Self-Regulated Learning and connected social media and NKA as opportunities for students to participate in SRL. Looking back, the nuns were very explicit on how one should learn and study. Reflecting on my children’s study habits, I passed down my study habits to them. They were more successful in school than I was, thank goodness. The article discusses the pros and cons of indirect SRL teaching, implicit direct instruction, and explicit direct instruction. Maybe, we need to have a required course in middle and/or high school regarding social media and how to use it to gain knowledge? Maybe begin with the administrators? Then the teachers?

Of course, I got totally distracted and ended up discovering mind mapping . . .


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