TED Idea Search and NKA

I'm a huge fan of TED Talks, listen to at least one a day, often while walking my dog around the neighborhood. Most recently, I received an email from them, crowdsourcing "big, bold ideas" from Latin America. https://blog.ted.com/have-an-idea-to-share-apply-to-our-ted-idea-search-latin-america-2021/. As I often wondered how they found all these people with all these ideas, this answered a lot of questions for me. I went directly to their web page, not my app, logged in, and found the whole world of TED, not just the world they curated for me. There is TEDx, TED Fellows, TED Ed, TED Translators, TED Institute, The Audacious Project, and TED@work.

I began looking for a way to apply NKA. There are 3,700+ talks and thousands of playlists. Some I watched but others I wondered why I didn't receive the recommendation to watch "A brief history of toilets?" This was when I noticed that I was supposed to self-curate by liking or less liking a video, which would guide their analytics towards making better recommendations for me. I had no likes AT ALL for talks or playlists. I only had one saved talk, which shocked me as over the years I have watched so many. They also provided an opportunity to recommend, and I was allowed to select up to three words. I could also make a 400-word annotation. The process was seamless as they directed me to see my input published!

I would never have understood the reasons why it is important to do this without this class. I realize, as I look at my watch history, that I have been such a selfish consumer, and now see the benefits (not just for me) of becoming a TED member (involves giving them $$) or just being more active and participatory in my interactions online.

Do you watch TED “stuff?” Are there any others that are similar that you like to watch or listen to?


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